A woman sits cross-legged at the bow of a wooden boat, her arms spread wide, enjoying the sun's rays. She is surrounded by the serene emerald waters and rugged limestone cliffs of a tropical destination.

Sustainable Travel: Eco-Friendly Packing Tips and Tricks

Embarking on a journey can be an exhilarating experience, but as Good Lifers, we know that our adventures can leave a footprint on the planet. That’s why embracing sustainable travel and eco-friendly packing is more crucial than ever. It’s not just about the destinations we choose or the modes of transport we use; it’s also…

homesteading vs off-grid
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Navigating Independence: Homesteading vs Off-Grid Lifestyles

Hey there, fellow gardeners, allotment holders, and eco-conscious friends! As someone knee-deep in soil and sustainable living, I know the rewarding journey you’re about to embark upon. Allow me to guide you through a path close to my heart – the captivating world of homesteading vs off-grid living. Years ago, when my husband G and…

apple strage

Optimal Apple Storage: Keeping Freshness Intact

Hey there, green thumbs and apple enthusiasts! Ever plucked those luscious apples straight from the tree, only to find them sad and wrinkled a few days later? Well, fret not because we’re diving deep into the world of apple storage, and trust me, it’s a game-changer for all you eco-conscious orchard lovers out there. I…

Mastering Self-Sufficiency: Creating A Self-Sufficient UK Homestead

Mastering Self-Sufficiency: Creating A Self-Sufficient UK Homestead

Have you ever dreamed of having a self-sufficient UK homestead? Your little slice of green goodness right here in the UK? A place where you can pluck your veggies fresh from the earth, tend to your critters with love, and sip tea under the sun you harvested energy from? Well, you’re in for a treat…

Alternative Canning: How to Can and Preserve Food Without a Pressure Canner

Alternative Canning: How to Can and Preserve Food Without a Pressure Canner

The first time I tried my hand at canning and preserving it was a warm late-summer day, and our local disused railway line was bursting with ripe, juicy blackberries. As we picked them, my parents told me all about how to preserve these juicy berries and make jam from them. I was amazed that you…

Edible Wild Plants: A Year-Round Guide to UK Foraging

Edible Wild Plants: A Year-Round Guide to UK Foraging

Picture this: the sun-drenched meadows of the British countryside, a gentle breeze carrying the scent of wildflowers, and the thrill of stumbling upon nature’s hidden treasures. Foraging for edible wild plants in the UK is an adventure for the senses and a gateway to a more sustainable and self-reliant lifestyle. Welcome to our seasonal guide,…

go plastic-free
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Go Plastic-Free: Easy Tips and Tricks for Cutting Out Plastic Waste

I remember the day I realised just how much plastic I was using in my everyday life. I was lying in the bath, surrounded by luxurious bubbles, and I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming amount of plastic waste staring back at me. My bath went from relaxing to horrifying within seconds. That’s when I…

Food Preservation Safety: Your Path to a Healthier, Sustainable Lifestyle

Food Preservation Safety: Your Path to a Healthier, Sustainable Lifestyle

I remember my first attempt at canning tomato sauce (ketchup) like it was yesterday. I was so excited to embark on this new adventure of self-sufficiency and sustainability, but, truth be told, I was also a little bit nervous.  The last thing I wanted was to make my family sick with improperly preserved food.  Since…

Sparkling Green: Crafting DIY Natural Cleaning Products for a Sustainable Home

Sparkling Green: Crafting DIY Natural Cleaning Products for a Sustainable Home

We all know that living a wholesome, eco-friendly life is essential for our planet and our health, but did you know that you can take your green game to the next level by making your own DIY natural cleaning products?  That’s right! We’ll teach you how to create homemade cleaning solutions that are not only…

switch to a sustainable dental routine
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Sustainable Dental Routine: How to Care for Your Teeth and the Planet

Taking care of our teeth is essential for our overall health, but some traditional dental products and procedures are bad for the environment.  It means using natural and eco-friendly dental products, using less water, saving energy, getting rid of dental products in the right way, and more. Plastic toothbrushes, floss, and other dental products contribute…