Blight: Can I Reuse Soil From Tomatoes With Blight?

Blight: Can I Reuse Soil From Tomatoes With Blight?

Tomato blight is a fungal disease that can devastate a tomato crop. It is important to take measures to control the spread of the disease and to dispose of infected plants properly. Composting is a great way to dispose of infected plants and help control the spread of the disease. As a general rule, the…

Winter Strawberry Bliss: How to Grow Strawberries in a Cold Frame

Winter Strawberry Bliss: How to Grow Strawberries in a Cold Frame

Here in the UK, we don’t have a lot of amazing sunshine, and when your favourite fruit in the world happens to be the Great British strawberry, that can be a big problem! I love strawberries, but I’ve never been particularly good at growing them. Last year, I rescued a few sad-looking strawberry plants from…

composting a home wormery
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Worm Composting At Home: Is A Wormery Worth It?

We live in a small house with a very small garden. While we love using good quality compost, I don’t want to put a compost bin in our yard for food waste in case it invites rats and other rodents. What are our options? I’ve been looking into wormeries! A wormery is a worthwhile investment…

Can You Freeze Food Waste? How To Freeze 8 Types Of Food Waste

Can You Freeze Food Waste? How To Freeze 8 Types Of Food Waste

The key to successful living is having a low impact on the Earth. One way to do this is by reducing your food waste and focusing on self-sufficiency and simplicity. No matter how far you go to reduce your food waste, it is inevitable that you’ll have some leftovers. From vegetable peelings to leftover portions,…

Is Rain Barrel Water Safe To Use On My Vegetable Garden?
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Is Rain Barrel Water Safe To Use On My Vegetable Garden?

Collecting rainwater in barrels or water butts is something that most gardeners do without thinking about it, but is this rainwater collected actually safe to use on your vegetable plot, and should you be giving any consideration to how you’re collecting water? I took a deep dive into this topic when it came up as…

Say Goodbye to Traditional Candles and Hello to Zero Waste Candles

Say Goodbye to Traditional Candles and Hello to Zero Waste Candles

During the wintertime, we love spending the evenings indoors watching TV or participating in hobbies (like writing these blogs!). While we’re indoors, lighting a few candles around the house and staying in for the night is an excellent way to make the house feel like home. However, we all know that burning candles have an…

Biodegradable Plastic: A False Solution to Plastic Pollution?
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Biodegradable Plastic: A False Solution to Plastic Pollution?

Plastic. It seems to be everywhere in our world. A recent study by The University of Newcastle, Australia, suggests that humans potentially ingest every week “up to 5 g/week of microplastic particles.”. That’s the same weight as a 20-pence piece in the UK or an American nickel. Biodegradable plastics, or bioplastics, might be the answer…

Do Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergents Work? 7 Tips To Super Charge Your Green Detergents

Do Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergents Work? 7 Tips To Super Charge Your Green Detergents

Laundry. It’s something that most adults have to do every day and for most of us, grabbing a bottle or box of detergent at the store is quick, easy, and something we don’t think about. However, your detergent habit could be harming the environment, and there IS a better way! So, do eco-friendly laundry detergent…