Off-Grid Water Solutions: Harvesting, Filtering, and Storing Water
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Off-Grid Water Solutions: Harvesting, Filtering, and Storing Water

Access to clean, safe off-grid water is essential for survival, and for those who live off-grid, finding ways to secure this vital resource can be even more challenging. This is especially true for those who have an allotment, garden, or are interested in self-sufficiency, as they must find their own methods of obtaining water. As…

Surviving the Cold: A Guide to Preparing Strawberry Plants for Winter

Surviving the Cold: A Guide to Preparing Strawberry Plants for Winter

Winter can be a difficult season for gardeners, especially those who have delicate plants like strawberries. Proper strawberry plant preparation can make the difference between a successful harvest and a tragic loss. This article aims to provide gardeners with a detailed approach on preparing their strawberry plants for winter. Winter can provide a lot of…

Say Goodbye to Paper Towels: 6 Sustainable Alternatives to Try

Say Goodbye to Paper Towels: 6 Sustainable Alternatives to Try

Did you know that the average person uses approximately 100 pounds of paper towels annually, with the majority of them ending up in landfills? When paper towels are made and thrown away, they have a big effect on the environment, from cutting down trees to using a lot of energy to letting methane gas out…

Wild Garlic Seed Planting Made Easy: Expert Advice

Wild Garlic Seed Planting Made Easy: Expert Advice

Foragers and gardeners love the flavorful and adaptable nature of wild garlic, also known as ramson or bear’s garlic. It gives a distinct, intense flavour and aroma to a wide range of dishes while providing numerous health benefits. Wild garlic is said to have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and is a good source of vitamins…

How To Fill Raised Beds: The Easy Way To Grow Nutritious Vegetables (with Soil Calculator)

How To Fill Raised Beds: The Easy Way To Grow Nutritious Vegetables (with Soil Calculator)

A raised garden bed is a perfect way to grow your vegetables, herbs, and flowers, but before planting, you need to fill your raised bed with the right type of soil. This blog post will teach you everything you need to know about how to fill raised beds, including why you should use raised beds,…

Shade-Loving Vegetables: How to Grow a Thriving Vegetable Garden in the Shade

Shade-Loving Vegetables: How to Grow a Thriving Vegetable Garden in the Shade

A shade garden is a garden that is designed to accommodate plants that grow well in low-light conditions. This type of garden is often found in areas that receive little direct sunlight, such as under the canopy of trees or on the north side of a building.  Several reasons someone might choose to grow shade-loving…

Mastering the Art of Self-Sufficiency in the UK

Mastering the Art of Self-Sufficiency in the UK

For anyone who grew up watching the BBC’s The Good Life, the very idea of “being self-sufficient” seems like a romantic dream that is perfectly possible in a back garden or backyard. “Self-sufficiency in suburbia!” as Tom Good called it, but is it really possible? Can we actually become fully “self-sufficient” in the UK? This…

The Power of Self-Reliance on a Homestead

The Power of Self-Reliance on a Homestead

Living self-sufficiently on a homestead is an incredibly rewarding endeavor, but it does come with its challenges. Many people may be intimidated by homesteading and think it is too difficult or complicated. With the right mindset and knowledge, anyone can learn to be self-reliant. Self-reliance is essential to homesteading; it helps us become more aware…

How to Create a Thriving Kitchen Garden: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Create a Thriving Kitchen Garden: A Beginner’s Guide

A kitchen garden is a great way to get fresh, healthy produce right at your fingertips. Not only does it save you money, but it also allows you to control the quality of your food. Plus, it’s a fun and rewarding hobby! Investing in a kitchen garden is also a way to support the local…