Alternative Canning: How to Can and Preserve Food Without a Pressure Canner

Alternative Canning: How to Can and Preserve Food Without a Pressure Canner

The first time I tried my hand at canning and preserving it was a warm late-summer day, and our local disused railway line was bursting with ripe, juicy blackberries. As we picked them, my parents told me all about how to preserve these juicy berries and make jam from them. I was amazed that you…

Food Preservation Safety: Your Path to a Healthier, Sustainable Lifestyle

Food Preservation Safety: Your Path to a Healthier, Sustainable Lifestyle

I remember my first attempt at canning tomato sauce (ketchup) like it was yesterday. I was so excited to embark on this new adventure of self-sufficiency and sustainability, but, truth be told, I was also a little bit nervous.  The last thing I wanted was to make my family sick with improperly preserved food.  Since…

Master the Art of Food Preservation: Essential Tips for Achieving Food Security
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Master the Art of Food Preservation: Essential Tips for Achieving Food Security

Food security means different things to different people. For some of us, being food secure means having a few months’ supplies of food in the pantry ready for whatever might happen (such as a job loss or a global shortage), and for others, it means learning how to cook and preserve food for our family’s…