Garden Harmony: Perfect Plant Partnerships Through Companion Planting
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Garden Harmony: Perfect Plant Partnerships Through Companion Planting

Hey there, Good Lifers! Have you ever wondered how you can take your garden or allotment to the next level while staying true to your eco-friendly and self-sufficient values? Well, companion planting might just be the secret ingredient you’re missing.  In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of companion planting, its definition, and…

Chicken breeds

From Egg Layers to Meat Birds: The Top Chicken Breeds for Small-Scale Farming

Raising chickens on a homestead can be a rewarding experience for many reasons. They provide fresh eggs and meat, pest control, and help with garden fertilisation.  As a budding smallholder and homesteader myself, I can attest to the joy that comes with watching these feathered friends roam freely around. I was lucky enough to be…

Bees and Space: How Much Do They Need?

Bees and Space: How Much Do They Need?

Honeybees are essential pollinators of crops and wild plants, but their populations have declined in recent years. One way to help reverse this trend is by becoming a beekeeper yourself. Before you invest in a hive and some bees though, you need to remember that bees need space! Surprisingly, bees actually require very little space,…

Why Does My Lavender Plant Not Smell

Plant Problems: Why Does My Lavender Plant Not Smell?

Lavender is a plant known for its relaxing scent, but sometimes your lavender plant may not smell as strong as you would like. There are a few reasons why this may be the case, and in this article, we’re going to explore why your lavender plant doesn’t smell like lavender and what you can do…

A moth on a pink flower
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Pollinators: What Colours Attract Pollinators More?

Pollination is a process that every garden needs. It doesn’t matter if you grow flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruit, or anything in between, you won’t get very far without pollination! Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anthers to the stigma. This is done by insects mostly but also by wind and other means. If…