Biodegradable Plastic: A False Solution to Plastic Pollution?
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Biodegradable Plastic: A False Solution to Plastic Pollution?

Plastic. It seems to be everywhere in our world. A recent study by The University of Newcastle, Australia, suggests that humans potentially ingest every week “up to 5 g/week of microplastic particles.”. That’s the same weight as a 20-pence piece in the UK or an American nickel. Biodegradable plastics, or bioplastics, might be the answer…

Do Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergents Work? 7 Tips To Super Charge Your Green Detergents

Do Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergents Work? 7 Tips To Super Charge Your Green Detergents

Laundry. It’s something that most adults have to do every day and for most of us, grabbing a bottle or box of detergent at the store is quick, easy, and something we don’t think about. However, your detergent habit could be harming the environment, and there IS a better way! So, do eco-friendly laundry detergent…